Guangzhou>Global Exchanges>In Focus>Guangzhous must see spring beauty>Flowers in spring

  • Kapok flowers


    Guangzhou has a long history of growing kapok trees, and they can be seen lining the city's streets and boulevards.

  • Bougainvillea flowers


    Bougainvillea flowers are in blossom during March, April, and May, fading about a month later.

  • Peach flowers


    Peach flowers open up in March across the city, and last about 20 days before fading.

  • Bauhinia flowers


    The Bauhinia tree, also called "Hong Kong orchid tree", is often associated with the city.

  • Orchid flowers


    There is a great variety of orchids, flowering at different times.

  • Dream birdwoods


    Dream birdwoods bloom from March to May in Guangzhou and the flowers last about 40 days.

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