Proposal to optimize the rural household contract responsibility system and reinforce its application


Further raise the awareness of all levels of officials about the importance and necessity of improving the rural household contract responsibility system and reinforcing its application.

Proposal to overhaul and further reform the market and abolish the dual-track pricing system for producer goods


We suggest that the State Council instruct the Price Bureau and Ministry of Material Management to carefully formulate a plan to phase out the dual-track pricing mechanism for producer goods.

Proposal to advance the application of basic research findings or the study of applied science and technical science


Put more money into the National Natural Science Foundation and give sufficient attention and funding to the application of basic research results.

Proposal to formulate a law on the protection of children and teenagers


Legislation for protecting children and young people should be separate from women or youth protection laws.

Proposal to establish a national food safety system


We suggest that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress revise and pass the food safety law as soon as possible and that the State Council issue detailed rules for implementation.

Proposal to closely monitor ecological health


The evolving natural environment is the fundamental force behind social and economic development, which in turn drives changes in nature.

Proposal to reform China’s industrial management system


Cut the cord between government functions and business operations, so that businesses take full responsibility for their own profits and losses.

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