Proposal to advance the application of basic research findings or the study of applied science and technical science

Updated: 2020-03-10

Year: at the second session of the 7th CPPCC National Committee held in 1989

Proposal No: 1636

Proposers: 18 CPPCC National Committee members including Wang Daheng



1. Put more money into the National Natural Science Foundation and give sufficient attention and funding to the application of basic research results. Due to current financial difficulties, the available funds are limited, but long-term underfunding of this area would bring consequences. 

2. We suggest that industrial ministries tie research and development input to output value, a portion of which should be earmarked for R&D. A share of the R&D funds, one-tenth for example, is to be spent on basic research application or technical science. A foundation could also be established for this purpose. 

3. Step up the building of science centers and research teams in academies of sciences and institutions of higher education and provide them with sustained funding. Focus research efforts on the most relevant areas in basic research and technical science. The profits generated can be reinvested, but regular funding must be stable and reliable. 

4. The National Science and Technology Commission should set aside funds for major applied science projects and establish a foundation to support unplanned breakthroughs.

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