
Vice-Minister of Justice urges implementation of legal aid document

Zhao Dacheng, vice-minister of justice, said legal departments should study and implement Opinions on Improving the Legal Aid System.

Key Points of Legal Aid in 2016 China handled about 5 million legal aid cases over the past five years

Communication and Cooperation

China-EU legal aid peer review training held in ZhengzhouFirst China-EU Legal Aid Policy Dialogue held in Beijing


Joint meeting system established to improve legal aid in Chizhou, Anhui

A joint meeting system has been established in Chizhou, Anhui province to improve the efficiency and quality of legal aid in criminal cases.

Third China-EU Legal Aid Policy Dialogue held in Beijing Ministry of Justice seeks improved legal aid system 20th anniversary of Pudong legal aid center 


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Legal Aid Center of Ministry of Justice, the People's Republic of China

Address: No. 6 Nandajie, Chaoyangmen, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
