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China's 13th Arctic Ocean expedition underway

July 12, 2023

​China has launched its 13th scientific expedition to the Arctic Ocean, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources.


Tech summit in Tibet puts focus inside region

July 10, 2023

The Lhasa Summit Forum of the Global Digital Economy Conference 2023 was held from Tuesday to Friday in Lhasa, Tibet autonomous region, attracting more than 50 companies and resulting in 21 projects in the region.


Global scientists pool wisdom for technology cooperation in Xinjiang

July 09, 2023

A forum focusing on Belt and Road technology cooperation and green Silk Road development was held Saturday in Urumqi, the capital of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.


World Robot Conference returns to Beijing next month

July 04, 2023

The 2023 World Robot Conference will be held from Aug 16 to 22 in Beijing, an official with the China Association for Science and Technology said on Tuesday.


Sci-tech cooperation hailed with Latin America

September 05, 2022

China will enhance practical scientific and technological cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean countries in fields such as technology transfer, innovation in sustainable food and in jointly tackling global challenges, officials said on Friday.


CAST to work harder toward China's climate goals

July 08, 2022

The China Association for Science and Technology will support the country's pledge to reach peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060 by facilitating innovations in green technology, promoting public and industrial participation in fulfilling the two carbon goals, and enhancing international cooperation.


Annual science meet to turn Hunan into tech hub

June 17, 2022

The China Association for Science and Technology will host its 24th annual meeting in Changsha, Hunan province from June 26 to 27.


Academics discuss tech impact on human rights

May 11, 2022

The Chinese academic community will enhance dialogue and collaboration with international peers to promote the use of science and technology for the benefit of human rights and mankind, officials and experts said.

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