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Database boosts global biodiversity

May 23, 2022

The Chinese Academy of Sciences released the Catalogue of Life China: 2022 Annual Checklist on Sunday, allowing scientists around the world to access a newly updated taxonomic database of the species of organisms in China for the study of biodiversity and conservation.


Biodiversity conservation in China by numbers

October 10, 2021

With COP15 – a key United Nations biodiversity conference – around the corner, the global spotlight is once again on biological diversity.


China's internet growth: Numbers tell the story

September 26, 2021

With the internet reaching nearly every aspect of life, the digital-driven economy has become an indispensable power to stimulate China's future development.


How do Chinese astronauts survive reentry?

September 16, 2021

The spacecraft Shenzhou XII separated from the space station core module Tianhe at 8:56 am Thursday and will reach Earth on Friday.