News & Events
Major Convention
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    Dedicated scientists help build supercomputer

    In the computer room of the National Supercomputing Center of Tianjin, rows of neatly packed black cabinets work on mankind's biggest scientific questions, ranging from the evolution of the universe to modeling complex protein structures for drug discovery.

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    50 young Chinese scientists win 2022 Xplorer Prize

    ​A cohort of 50 young Chinese scientists won the 2022 Xplorer Prize on Thursday, with each receiving a total of 3 million yuan ($434,000) over the next five years to support their research, according to the organizer.

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    Yuan Longping

    the "Father of Hybrid Rice"

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    Xing Ji

    the Chief Designer of Hualong One

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    Huang Xuhua

    the Chief Designer of the Long March I