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Researchers combine chromosomes in mice

August 27, 2022

Chinese researchers have developed a technique that can combine two mouse chromosomes and use the new sets of chromosomes, called karyotypes, to produce living mice, according to a study published in the journal Science on Friday.

China to launch first comprehensive solar probe

July 11, 2022

​China will launch its first comprehensive solar probe, the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, in October, opening a new chapter in the country's exploration of the sun, according to the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Breakthrough achieved in quantum computing

June 09, 2022

Chinese physicists have created a large-scale, ordered and tunable lattice of Majorana zero mode, one of the most exotic phenomena in condensed matter physics-the study of the physical properties of matter, according to a study published in the journal Nature on Wednesday.


Chinese scientists break aerostat altitude record

May 16, 2022

Chinese scientists launched the latest model of the Jimu 1 aerostat, a giant helium-filled tethered airship, on Sunday to collect weather data at a world-record altitude of 9,032 meters on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.


Chinese lunar lander finds evidence of water

January 11, 2022

China's Chang'e 5 lunar lander has discovered the first on-site evidence of water molecules on the moon's surface, putting a long-running scientific debate regarding the satellite's humidity to rest, according to a study published in the journal Science Advances on Friday.

Shenzhou XII landing debuts new site

September 18, 2021

The successful completion of the Shenzhou XII mission on Friday means the Dongfeng Landing Site is likely to be prioritized over the Siziwang Banner Landing Site to receive returning Chinese astronauts in the future.

Ingenuity and a big bucket lift migrating fish over dams

September 24, 2021

The survival chances of fish migrating upstream in Jilin province's Songhua River Basin have been vastly improved through human ingenuity and an innovative system that helps them circumvent large dams.

New small satellite platform debuts

October 04, 2021

China is offering a small communication satellite platform to countries seeking an affordable solution for their own space-based internet networks.

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