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New superconductor discovered by scientists in Guangzhou

July 13, 2023

Chinese scientists have observed high-temperature superconductivity in single crystals of a nickelate, which will help solve the superconductivity mechanism and unleash more applications in fields such as information technology and aerospace technology.

Chinese researchers develop imaging biomarker for Parkinson's disease

July 13, 2023

Chinese researchers have developed an imaging biomarker for Parkinson's disease that will be reliable for diagnosis and drug development as an outcome measure in clinical trials.


Two Chinese companies win WIPO awards

July 13, 2023

Two Chinese technology companies are among the winners of this year's World Intellectual Property Organization Global Awards for their creative use of IP in logistics and the cultural sector.

China shares design for lunar mission with public

July 12, 2023

​China made public on Wednesday specific designs for its manned lunar mission that is scheduled to be achieved before the end of this decade.


Chinese scientists propose new way to reveal first galaxies

July 10, 2023

Chinese scientists have recently introduced a new method to reveal the nature of the first galaxies and dark matter in the early universe, according to a paper published in the journal Nature Astronomy.


Tech summit in Tibet puts focus inside region

July 10, 2023

The Lhasa Summit Forum of the Global Digital Economy Conference 2023 was held from Tuesday to Friday in Lhasa, Tibet autonomous region, attracting more than 50 companies and resulting in 21 projects in the region.


Global scientists pool wisdom for technology cooperation in Xinjiang

July 09, 2023

A forum focusing on Belt and Road technology cooperation and green Silk Road development was held Saturday in Urumqi, the capital of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.


China's BDS serves over 200 countries, regions

July 06, 2023

China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System has served more than 200 countries and regions to date, according to a commendation ceremony for the construction of BDS-3 held in Beijing on Wednesday.

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