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“Innovation China” technology roadshow holds special promotion for carbon neutrality economy

Updated: September 30, 2021


In order to explore the implementation of carbon-neutral green and low carbon transformation goals and boost the development of innovative and environmentally friendly new energy sources, the “Innovation China” technology roadshow held a special promotion for carbon neutrality economics on September 17.

This activity was the last of three carbon neutrality economics roadshows. Previously, the “Innovation China” roadshow carried out “green environment” and “green energies” promotions according to the green and low-carbon full chain transformation of enterprises, which displayed the latest developments of carbon neutrality economics through the introduction of green and environmentally friendly projects.


The event organizers invited representatives of companies like Qinhuangdao Changpu Group Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Qinghan Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jinghang Technology Development Co., Ltd. to introduce their project teams, product features, R&D capacities, key technologies, competitive advantages, business modes, market application and financing.  

The organizers also invited Wang Yan, investment director of SenseTime, Wang Shuman, senior investment manager of Haidian Pioneer Park and Shi Wei, director of department of social contribution and department of sustainable development at Hyundai Motor Group (China) Ltd., to have an in-depth discussion with roadshow guests and give suggestions for the further development of these project groups.

The activity was organized by the China Association for Science and Technology and was co-hosted by National Communication Center for Science and Technology, CAST, Beijing Tech Report and 761 C-Space. To further promote the brand of “Innovation China”, a follow-up activity will be broadcast on its official website. The information gathered at the roadshow will be distributed to relevant parties, achieving the roadshow’s role of providing “point to point” accurate matchmaking services. Videos of technological projects featured on the roadshow will be displayed at the “Innovation China” technological innovation integration platform and the WeChat mini program “Tadpole public communication”.