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Chimelong Marine Science Park main construction completes

​Chimelong Marine Science Park, a core part of the second phase of Chimelong International Ocean Resort, has finished its main structure construction. Upon operation, it is expected to be the world's largest indoor theme park that can accommodate 50,000 tourists per day.


Pingsha riverside sightseeing belt to open in October

A new ecological tourism landmark alongside the Pingtang River in Doumen's Pingsha Town will open to the public in October after construction and renovation.


Come and have fun picking wampees in Doumen

Doumen District has total wampee (Chinese huang pi) plantation area of 345 mu (23 hectares) and is expected to yield 350 metric tons of succulent fruit for this year's harvest season, according to the district's Agriculture & Rural Affairs Bureau.

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Blossoming lotus flowers add to Doumen's rural charm

​Lotus flowers are blooming at Doumen parks and villages through August, with the fresh fragrance they emit being a summer gift for visitors and shutterbugs.

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Glamorous evening glow adds charm to Zhuhai in early summer

Sceneries with dramatic light at sunset have been captured by a photographer at Jinwan's Lovers' Avenue and Gaolan Port.

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Crape myrtle trees decorate Doumen with romantic purple

Giant crape myrtle trees (lagerstroemia speciosa) in Doumen have now entered full bloom, decorating the district with bright purple blossoms. With the florescence lasting from May to July, the beautiful flowers look like swallowtail butterflies spreading their wings on the branches.

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Come and enjoy early summer at romantic Zhuhai islands

​In the open waters of the Pearl River Estuary lie more than 200 islands, most of which are concentrated in the Wanshan Archipelago, giving Zhuhai the reputation of "City of A Hundred Islands."

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Camping in Jinwan a Dragon Boat Festival holiday option

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday falls from June 3 to 5 this year, and Jinwan District, where modern buildings integrate with nature, is a nice place for camping.


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