Flooding widespread, roads blocked, flights canceled
The Zhuhai Observatory raised the rainstorm warning to red at 5 am today considering very heavy rainfall and flooding as a thunderstorm alert remains in effect.
October opening foreseen for Xiangwan citizen center
The Xiangwan Citizens Arts Center near the Haihong Bus Terminal and Xiangwan Residential District will open to the public in October as a venue for reading, leisure, and entertainment.
Hengqin Island in line for complete hospital facilities
The Hengqin Branch of Zhuhai People's Hospital will come into Phase I operation in the second half of 2019 while other extensive medical facilities are developed by a hospital affiliated with a Guangzhou university.
Hengqin mall with Portuguese ambiance opens in fall
The Portuguese-style commercial complex Legend Ponto Square will open in Hengqin New Area this fall as a one-stop recreational venue for shopping, catering, and entertainment.
Border escalator bottlenecks likely during peak hours
Three escalators at the Macao Frontier Post exit to Gongbei are out of service for two months while new ones are being installed, according to the Immigration Department of the Public Security Police Force of Macau.
Renmin Hospital adding facilities, beds, parking spots
Zhuhai People's Hospital will have an additional 460 ward beds and over 600 parking spaces once the Medical Technology & Rehabilitation and Scientific Research Complex buildings are completed.
Wee-hours restrictions announced for Zhuhai tunnels
One of the Banzhang Mt Tunnels in Gongbei will be closed between 1 and 6 am from May 27 to June 9 while the other handles two-way traffic, according to the Zhuhai Municipal Public Security Bureau.
New Hengqin Checkpoint ready by return anniversary
The new Hengqin Checkpoint and comprehensive transport hub project on the Haojiang River will be ready for border crossings by Dec 20 -- the 20th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland.