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Jinchuan Group: innovation breaks technical barriers

Updated : October 8, 2022

The 60-year history of the Jinchuan Group tells the story of its technological innovation, which has not only seen the completion of the innovation system of the industrial chain and production system, but also formed the new development mode of Jinchuan.


The electric furnace operation area [Photo provided to en.jnmc.com]

Jinchuan Group has been injecting new technological impetus into the development of its industry. Focusing on traditional technologies and the demands of emerging industries, it has been playing a crucial role in traditional industries, the nonferrous metal new material industry, and the new energy and new energy material industry. In 2021, Jinchuan implemented 12 joint foreign projects with an investment of 220 million yuan (about $31 million), among which, 6 projects have already made initial achievements. Since 2016, its annual average growth of total labor productivity has reached to 15.9%.

At present, the Jinchuan Group has four national level scientific and technological innovation platforms, including a "national key laboratory for the comprehensive utilization of nickel and cobalt resources", 14 provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological innovation platforms, including "Gansu nickel and cobalt resources utilization and new product development and innovation consortium", and 78 staff innovation studios.


A display of scientific and technological achievements [Photo provided to en.jnmc.com]

The output value of Jinchuan Group's emerging industries accounts for 43% of the total. High-purity metal products account for more than 25% of the global semiconductor market share. The annual growth rate of new product sales revenue is more than 40%, and of the growth rate of research investment is more than 20%.

Since the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20), the Jinchuan Group has organized and carried out more than 300 major scientific research projects, and the conversion rate of scientific research achievements has exceeded 60%. Moreover, Jinchuan has undertaken 40 national and provincial science and technology projects. By the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25), the income of Jinchuan has exceeded 520 billion yuan and its total industrial output value has reached 350 billion yuan.

By 2025, the Jinchuan Group will strive to achieve a nickel content of more than 330,000 tons in nickel products, copper content of more than 2.1 million tons in copper products, cobalt content of more than 30,000 tons, an output of precious metal products of more than 3,200 tons, and an output of chemical products of more than 14 million tons.

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