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Taizhou uses innovation to promote Yangzhou-style bonsai art

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: June 20, 2023

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An exquisite example of Taizhou's Yangzhou-style bonsai trees. [Photo/tznews.cn]

Taizhou city in East China's Jiangsu province – known for being a major birthplace of Yangzhou-style bonsai miniature decorative trees, has taken innovative and imaginative measures to protect and promote the art form.

In 2008, the Yangzhou-style bonsai technique was included in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage representative items.

To support the preservation and development of the exacting skill, Taizhou has focused on expanding its professional team dedicated to doing so, which currently consists of 15 inheritors.

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An aerial view of the Taizhou Bonsai Exhibition Hall. [Photo/tznews.cn]

Moreover, the establishment of the Taizhou Bonsai Exhibition Hall has provided a platform for regular exchanges and exhibitions. The hall showcases over 1,000 bonsai trees, including wonderful examples from the years 1368 to 1949.

One remarkable bonsai, the round cypress bonsai named Guo Ziyi Attending Court – from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) – remains amazingly well-preserved.

Taizhou has also leveraged digital and intelligent technologies to enhance the protection of the art of bonsai.

Modern information technology has been used to document techniques, theories and other aspects of Taizhou bonsai trees, resulting in extensive video footage, photos and electronic documentation.

In efforts to promote the bonsai art, Taizhou has organized events such as the Bonsai Lecture Hall series for the past 15 years. These activities have brought the art of bonsai into universities, grassroots communities and universities for the elderly. Over 1,000 teaching hours have been conducted, benefiting more than 3,000 participants.

Additionally, Taizhou has invited foreign visitors to the Taizhou Bonsai Exhibition Hall, fostering interactive exchanges and sharing the unique charm of China's intangible cultural heritage with international audiences.

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Foreign visitors learn about Taizhou, or Yangzhou-style, bonsai pruning skills at the Taizhou Bonsai Exhibition Hall. [Photo/tznews.cn]

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