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Huangshan tops in traditional villages selection| Updated: October 31, 2022

Thirty-nine villages of Huangshan city, in Anhui province, were added to the list of Traditional Chinese Villages on Oct 26 – ranking Huangshan first among prefecture cities in China – according to information released by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

To date, 310 villages in Huangshan city have been added to the list, accounting for 3.79 percent of the total in China and 65.9 percent of that in Anhui province.

Among these villages, Shexian county in Huangshan ranked first in China at the county level. The county has insisted on scientific protection, renewed and renovated the traditional villages with strict standards and also developed its infrastructure and tourism facilities.


Xuchun village in Shexian county, Huangshan city maintains a large number of well-preserved ancient buildings of the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. [Photo/Wechat ID: huangshanribao]


Hongcun village in Huangshan city is internationally renowned for its distinctive architecture and tranquility. [Photo/Wechat ID: cnhsta]

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