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Tangjiawan-made camera a hit with 3D reconstruction industry

​Zhuhai 4DAGE's self-developed real-time accurate 3D reconstruction collection equipment has been a hit in the country's 3D reconstruction industry due to its high-precision, yet low-cost indoor and underground positioning and navigation abilities.


Hengqin Checkpoint records over 3.92m pedestrians in 6 months

​The new Hengqin Checkpoint received over 3.92 million cross-border pedestrians and around 520,000 vehicles with great convenience since the plaque was unveiled for the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin on Sept 17, 2021.


Lovers Ave renovation project wins national engineering award

Section II of the renovated South Lovers Avenue at the Changsheng Road-Nanwan Avenue intersection garnered the 2020-2021 National Quality Engineering Award recently.

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Exchange meeting boosts Hengqin, Macao cooperation

An exchange meeting was recently held among the IFCE (Macao), SPIC Overseas, and the Economic Development Bureau of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin.

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Province backs Hengqin in support of quality growth, self-reliant China

​The Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin will help realize major national development strategies this year, the Guangdong Provincial People's Government states in a document released March 14.

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Spring plowing goes high-tech in Guangdong's Zhuhai

As the weather warms up, spring plowing has begun in Xinyi Village, Doumen District, Guangdong's Zhuhai City.

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Kapoks in bloom add flaming red color to Zhuhai

Kapok (delonix regia) trees throughout Zhuhai are blooming with flaming red flowers.

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Jinhu Avenue will facilitate travel within Jinwan by July

Jinhu Avenue in Area B of Jinwan's Aviation New Town is connected and will be put into operation by the end of July, with only few landscape and security surveillance construction work remaining to be completed by the end of this month.


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