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Track bed poured on Hengqin-airport rail transit


Updated: 2022-01-07

Concrete pouring of ballastless track bed was completed Jan 4 for the first 50-m (55-yd) section of Zhuhai Airport Urban Rail Transit Phase II's east line in Hengqin, preparing for further track laying to start this June. The whole rail line will open next year.

The concrete track slab is poured after the main structure is finished, providing a solid foundation for railway track laying. Concrete casting for the project's west line in Jinwan began in 2021. 


A construction crew smooth out concrete on the ballastless track bed [Photo by Li Jianshu and Meng Qinghu / Zhuhai Daily]

In addition, construction for bridges piers connecting Hengqin and Shangniujiao tunnels has been finished and girders will be lifted.

Phase II of the Zhuhai Airport Urban Rail Transit starts from Hengqin Chimelong Station, goes through Hengqin, Shangniujiao, and Jingwan tunnels before merging into Jinhai Avenue Bridge, which is the world's first and widest multi-tower cable-stayed bridge with both a highway and railway on the same platform.

After arriving in Jinwan's Sanzao Town, the rail will be connected to the future Zhuhai Airport Comprehensive Transportation Hub. With a designated speed of 160 kmph (99.5 mph), travel time between Gongbei and the airport will be cut to half an hour.



Passenger trains running from Gongbei to Chimelong

The first bullet train left Zhuhai Station in Gongbei on a 15-minute trip to Hengqin Chimelong Station at 8:48 am Aug 18.

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