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Hengqin is financial powerhouse for Zhuhai, Macao


Updated: 2019-08-21

Hengqin New Area accounts for 90 percent of the 6,750 financial institutions in Zhuhai, Deputy Mayor Yan Wu stated at the 2nd Shizimen Finance Week that concluded in Wanzai today (Aug 21).

The city's financial firms have combined assets of 982 billion yuan ($139 billion), he said at the "Finance+ Energizes Industrial Integration & Development" conference. Yan added that Hengqin boasts a multi-layer financial ecosystem of both traditional financial institutions and emerging financial enterprises.

Yan gave full credit to Hengqin's bridgehead role in the city's financial development and cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao at the opening ceremony at the Zhuhai International Convention & Exhibition Center on Aug 19.


Launch ceremony (Zhuhai Deputy Mayor Yan Wu is third from left)

Along with the deputy mayor, more than 300 experts, scholars, and industry insiders from across China offered insights into finance-driven industrial development and Zhuhai-Macao cross-border financial cooperation.

Minister Huang Qifan, vice chair of the China Centre for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE); and Li Lihui, former president of the Bank of China, looked at how Hengqin New Area could innovate financially and deepen multi-domain cooperation between Zhuhai and Macao.

Exchanges were conducted on the integration of finance with history, culture, tourism, science and technology. Also examined was the diversified value of Hengqin's characteristic finance, sci-tech innovation, healthcare, cross-border commerce, culture, tourism and MICE, and professional service sectors.

The event was organized by the Hengqin New Area Administrative Committee, "Belt & Road" Initiative International Think Tank of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Macau Chinese Enterprises Association under the auspices of the Zhuhai Municipal People's Government.


Attendees [Photos by Zhu Xi / Zhuhai Daily]



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