
Home> Cultural Exchanges

  • Shandong-Bavaria photo exhibition opens in Jinan

    Shandong-Bavaria photo exhibition opens in Jinan


    A joint photography exhibition by Shandong and Bavarian photographers was unveiled in Jinan, capital of Shandong province on Dec 15 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the longstanding friendship between East China's Shandong province and the German state of Bavaria.

  • Exhibition of German artist makes a splash in Shandong

    Exhibition of German artist makes a splash in Shandong


    The highly anticipated exhibition –"Reconstruction - Anselm Kiefer in China" was unveiled on Dec 13 at the Shandong Art Museum in Jinan, capital of Shandong province.

  • Tai'an holds meetings to promote world natural heritage protection

    Tai'an holds meetings to promote world natural heritage protection


    The 2017 Annual Conference for the Conservation and Development of World Natural Heritage Sites in China and Symposium of the 30th Anniversary of China’s First Inclusion on the World Heritage List were held in Tai'an, East China's Shandong province from Dec 11 to 12.

  • Taiwan youth highlight study tour at Mount Tai

    Taiwan youth highlight study tour at Mount Tai


    More than 90 college students from Taiwan visited the majestic Mount Tai during a study tour on Nov 24 in Tai'an, Shandong province and experienced the coming-of-age ceremony on the mountain.

  • Cultural exchange fosters better understanding

    Cultural exchange fosters better understanding


    The people of Israel may have a better understanding of China and its eastern province of Shandong after the launch of the Nishan House bookstore and an exhibition of Rizhao farmers' paintings on Nov 22 at Tel Aviv University in Israel.

  • Globally important agricultural heritage


    At the meeting of the Scientific Advisory Group on Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems held at the headquarters of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome on Friday, several Chinese sites were approved as globally important agricultural heritage.

  • Shandong opens Nishan House in Nepal

    Shandong opens Nishan House in Nepal


    The Shandong Friendship Publishing House launched a Nishan House bookshop at the Confucius Institute of Kathmandu University on Nov 19 in Kathmandu, capital of Nepal.

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