Being in financial difficulties means the average income of the applicant and his or her family members (or the applicant's income alone if the dispute is among family members) meets the financial difficulties standards set by the local authorities.
Documents required are(1) The application form for legal aid;
The application shall be filed by the person to receive legal aid. If he or she cannot file the application, a representative can be entrusted to do so. But there are some exceptions
The application should be in written form. If there is difficulty with a written application, it can be filed orally and staff at legal aid centers will fill out the form for the applicant or the staff at the department that transfers the application will keep a written record.
Applications for civil and administrative legal aid should be filed at legal aidinstitutions in the region where disputes occurred. Those for legal aid in criminal cases should be sent to the legal aid institutions in the region where the people's court, the people's procuratorate and the public security department have jurisdiction over the case.
Civil and administrative legal aid can be applied for when there are civil or administrative disputes.
In criminal cases, if the victim or the defendant does not have legal representation, the people's court, the people's procuratorate and the public security department should inform the legal aid institution designate lawyers for him or her.
You can apply for legal aid if you are involved in civil or criminal cases which involve
Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved
Legal Aid Center of Ministry of Justice, the People's Republic of China
Address: No. 6 Nandajie, Chaoyangmen, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China