
Hongqiao police, health center sign co-op agreement for CIIE

(shhqcbd.gov.cn) Updated: 2018-10-22

Police stations in Hongqiao's integrated transport hub signed a cooperation contract on Oct 16 with the Shanghai Changning Mental Health Center.

It was aimed to improve the handling ability of the authorities when faced with emergencies caused by patients with severe mental disorders during the forthcoming China International Import Expo (CIIE).


Police stations in Hongqiao's integrated transport hub sign a cooperation contract with the Shanghai Changning Mental Health Center on Oct 16. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The integrated transport hub at Hongqiao, the world's largest, consists of Hongqiao International Airport, the high-speed Hongqiao Railway Station, stations on lines 2, 10 and 17 of the Shanghai Metro, bus stations and public parking lots. The daily passenger flow of the hub reaches 1.2 million.

At present the agreement is for the duration of the CIIE, but it may be extended for the long-term in the future, according to Zhao Dandan, deputy director of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning.

According to the contract, services such as emergency medical treatments and psychological counseling will be provided by Shanghai Changning Mental Health Center and exchange activities including field exercises and workshops will be organized by both sides.

Shen Jie, president of Shanghai Changning Mental Health Center, said he hopes that the cooperation agreement with the police will ultimately lead to better security when big events are held in the city.

The CIIE is set to take place from November 5 to 10 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center, located in the Hongqiao area.
