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Guiyang to become national logistics hub


Guiyang's inland port logistics hub was recently listed on the national logistics hub construction list by the National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Transport, becoming the only one of its kind in Southwest China's Guizhou province.


Guizhou's digital economy growth ranks first nationwide


According to a white paper on digital economy development in China recently released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Southwest China's Guizhou province experienced digital economy growth of 22.1 percent last year, ranking first in China for the fifth year.


Guiyang strives to become inland open economy pilot zone


With the aim of becoming an inland pilot zone for the open economy, Guiyang accelerated the construction of airports, railways, expressways and waterways to show its transportation advantages in regional cooperation.


Guizhou attracts investment from key companies


According to the investment promotions department of Southwest China's Guizhou province, from January to September this year Guizhou pulled in 4,907 projects with 450.86 billion yuan ($67.13 billion) of funds in place and attracted 828 key companies to come and locate there.


Guiyang to build more than 10 nighttime economy demonstration streets


Guiyang, the capital of Southwest China's Guizhou province, recently issued an implementation plan to boost nighttime economy development and perfect the nighttime economy consumption system.


Guizhou rides rails to Europe, boosting foreign trade economy


Southwest China's Guizhou province is utilizing China-Europe freight trains to boost its foreign trade economy.


Guizhou's first test institute for big data products opens


Approved by the Administration for Market Regulation of Guizhou Province, a test institute for big data information security products was recently established in the Guiyang Economic and Technological Development Zone (GETDZ), in Guiyang city.


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