
Meet family that's keeping TCM alive in Anxi county

equanzhou.com| Updated: Aug 20, 2020 L M S

If you look back at Zhang Binghui's family tree, you'll find a long and proud lineage of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners. The Zhangs hail from Xiangquan hamlet in Changkeng village, Anxi county, Quanzhou, a city in East China's Fujian province, and this is their story:

Striving for perfection with generations of knowledge

The Zhangs have practiced traditional medicine for 12 generations, since the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).  When speaking about the family's 300-year history of practicing medicine, Zhang Binghui became very proud. He said that his family has practiced medicine since their 11th generation.

According to Zhang Binghui, under his family's influence, he could recite several pieces of Chinese medical literature at a very young age and began to develop a keen interest in TCM. Later, he helped his father process and collect medicine, and learned TCM theory and diagnosis by himself. With accumulated knowledge and experience, he began his medical career in 1983 after graduating from high school and receiving a township medical certification.

In the past, there were no medical schools, and doctors and medicine were in short supply. The Zhang family's medical careers all grew out of this demand for healthcare services.

Zhang Binghui has many medical books and some prescriptions that were passed down from his ancestors. For each prescription, he must carefully check the name and quantity of the medicine, and at night, he works overtime to select the best medicinal materials and ingredients.

The ancestors' motto: Practice medicine and be kind

When Zhang Binghui began learning TCM, his father told him that medical ethics were critical to practicing medicine.

His father, Zhang Tianshi, was a barefoot doctor for more than 20 years. For the patients who could not afford to pay for medicine, Zhang Tianshi never charged them.

Zhang Tianshi began his career as a doctor at Changkeng Hospital, where he became famous for his superb medical skills and regularly saw more than 100 patients per day.

Zhang Binghui has inherited not only his ancestors' medical skills but also their kindness. Rain or shine, day or night, patients in need can count on Zhang Binghui to help. He offers free consultation and medicine for poor people and provides free accommodation for patients who need observation. He regularly leaves his contact information with patients after diagnosing them to receive feedback on their medical status.

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