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Short videos wanted: '1,000 Reasons to Love Hangzhou' Global Short Video Contest

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: September 21, 2023 L M S

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Hangzhou, one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization and one of China's seven ancient capitals, is looking for entries of short videos!  Join the "1,000 Reasons to Love Hangzhou" Short Video Contest for Global College Students and win prizes!

Whether you are in Hangzhou or somewhere else, it's time to show your talent and tell the world about your stories with Hangzhou.

Winning submissions will be broadcast through major media outlets in Hangzhou and throughout China. College students from all over the world are invited to share their impressions of Hangzhou.

I. Eligibility

The contest is open to college students from all over the world and young people who started a business or found employment in Hangzhou within two years after graduation. Entrants can join the contest by posting their video (the "Entry") on TikTok and adding the hashtag #1000ReasonstoLoveHangzhou.

1. Entry Period

Until November 15, 2023

2. How to enter

Post your video on TikTok and include the hashtag #1000ReasonstoLoveHangzhou.

Entrants living in China can scan the QR code to log in to the WeChat Mini Program and fill in the registration form.

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Entries may also be sent to zj_amc@163.com in the form of an attachment or disk (Baidu Drive) link. Please email with the subject line in the format of "Author, University, Name of the Entry, Contact Number", and describe the entry in the body.

There is no language requirement for entries. For entries in languages other than English or Chinese, English or Chinese dubbing or subtitles are required.

Entries should tell real-life stories relating to Hangzhou. Any pornographic, violent, discriminatory or other inappropriate content is strictly prohibited. Advertising of any kind is not allowed.

Entries must be original and exclusively owned by the entrant. Please make sure to acquire all necessary rights, permits and licenses for the use of pictures, music and font, and to obtain permission or image rights from subjects featured in your entry. Submission of an entry means that you have authorized the organizing committee to use it for future promotion, broadcast or exhibition. For entries that have won the Best Dissemination Award and First Prize, the copyright and rights of dissemination will be automatically transferred to the organizer. For other award-winning entries, rights of distribution and alteration will be automatically transferred to the organizer. Relevant authorization agreements will be signed when necessary.

For entries competing, the resolution must be 1280x720 or above and be in one of the following formats: MPG, MPEG, AVI, MOV, WMV or MP4.

II. Prizes

The Best Dissemination Awards have been specially set up to promote the global influence of the contest.

1. Awards (20):

The length of the entry should be no more than 20 seconds. Awards are given based on the creativity and dissemination data of the entry. There will be 1 First Prize, 3 Second Prizes, 6 Third Prizes and 10 Honorable Mentions. The prize-winning entry can be a single video or a video series. If the entry is a series of videos, it is considered as one entry in the contest.

l  First Prize: 10,000 yuan

l  Second Prize: 6,000 yuan

l  Third Prize: 3,000 yuan

l  Honorable Mention: 1,000 yuan

2. Best Dissemination Awards (1):

The Best Dissemination Awards will be awarded among the top 25 entrants. Awards are given based on the overall statistical data of the entry on related platforms. The Best Dissemination Awards and the First Prize will not be awarded to the same entry.

l  Prize: 8,000 yuan

All entrants, both organizations and individuals, can compete to win the above-mentioned awards and certificates. All winners will be awarded the honorary title of "Hangzhou Discovery Officer" by the organizers.

Organized by:

Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, TV and Tourism 

Hangzhou Municipal Education Bureau

Hangzhou Commission of Communist Youth League of China

Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, TV and Tourism