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US Zhejiang Commerce & Culture Association donate supplies to local hospitals

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: March 25, 2020 L M S

Since the US declared a national emergency after the COVID-19 outbreak on March 13, the US Zhejiang Commerce & Culture Association in Southern California has actively participated in a drive to give back to the American community by donating supplies to local hospitals.

On March 19, medical supplies from the association was picked up by Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, which included 900 N95 masks, 96 sets of protective suits and 90 filters.

On the same day, 260 N95 masks, 48 sets of protective suits, 1,500 medical-grade level 2 masks, as well as 100 N95 masks, were shipped to Keck Medicine of USC.

Joy Pan, the organization's leader, said that more personal protective equipment supplies will be delivered to PIH Health Hospital in Whittier.

"We are asking our members, friends, families and all other local Chinese to donate any unopened medical masks, protection gowns, disposable nitrile gloves, reusable goggles, and Lysol cleaners to our warehouse, and we will donate them to hospitals. Also, we are asking our family and friends in China to mail face masks via FedEx or DHL. We will help local hospitals and protect medical professionals from our end as much as we can during these difficult times."