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Zhejiang attracts nearly 1 million skilled workers

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: March 10, 2020 L M S



More than 980,000 skilled workers took up employment in Zhejiang last year, statistics showed. The cities of Hangzhou and Ningbo ranked first and second, respectively, among all Chinese cities in terms of net inflow of high-end talent.

The achievement can be attributed to the tireless efforts the province has made in recent years to attract talent.

Zhejiang has strengthened cooperation with countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative by establishing 33 liaison stations and 27 company incubators in many of the countries.

The province has also established several research institutes and universities to develop its digital economy and advanced manufacturing and attract more talents.

Statistics showed around 960,000 students came to Zhejiang for college education last year, up 88.97 percent year-on-year. Most of them, about 210,000, chose Hangzhou, up 125.9 percent year-on-year.

Cities have held a variety of activities to attract talent.

Shaoxing held 346 promotional meetings and job fairs at 296 Chinese universities and colleges last year, offering job opportunities in more than 5,000 local companies.

Wenzhou held 127 forums and competitions in digital economy last year, attracting more than 8,900 participants.

Zhejiang also improved services for skilled workers by streamlining administrative procedures and implementing favorable measures to help them settle down in the province and help their children attend local schools.