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Great people: Testing physician feels proud of his profession

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: March 6, 2020 L M S

Editor's note: Zhejiang province held its 32nd news conference on epidemic control on March 4, in which seven ordinary people were invited to share their experiences fighting the epidemic. Despite being ordinary everyday people, they have made extraordinary contributions to the province's fight against the disease.

Yu Fei is a testing physician at the First Affiliated Hospital of the College of Medicine of Zhejiang University. His job is to collect specimens from patients and make laboratory diagnoses.

The specimen of the first confirmed case in Hangzhou was collected, tested and found positive by Yu and his colleagues. They also work on the clinical evaluation of test reagents of the novel coronavirus.

Due to the complexity of the virus, a patient usually needs to take several tests before being confirmed. According to Yu, he and his colleagues tested 300 specimens every day during the epidemic and had to work around the clock in the early days when there were not enough doctors on duty.

Since they have to wear protective gear before entering the lab, many of Yu's colleagues drink as little water as possible to avoid having to go to the toilet.

"My colleagues impressed me most. They may feel nervous or afraid at first, but they didn't shrink back. Instead, they fought courageously and overcame many difficulties," said Yu.

Yu cited one of his female colleagues who couldn't help but cry when seeing her tired and worn face in the mirror, and another who was called back to the hospital just after arriving at her parents’ home.

"The support from my family, my hospital and the society has increased my pride and sense of responsibility to my profession," said Yu.

Yu has two daughters, one aged 6 and the other 3. The younger daughter went with her grandma to Hubei province, the grandma's hometown, before the lockdown of Wuhan. Yu and his wife, also a doctor at the hospital, had to look after the older one while working.

Two weeks ago, the kindergarten where the older daughter studies arranged for a teacher to take care of her.

"We want to take my older daughter to Hubei, and Shandong, my wife's hometown, to have a reunion dinner after the epidemic is over," said Yu.