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Ningbo hastens production of epidemic prevention goods

By Ma Zhenhuan in Hangzhou| chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: February 12, 2020 L M S


A disease control staffer puts on protective gloves in Qinghuangdao city, North China's Hebei province on Jan 29, 2020. [Photo/sipaphoto.com]

Ningbo in East China's Zhejiang province, a clothing manufacturing and export hub, has been beefing up its pace to hasten production of items intended to help in the fight against the novel coronavirus such as surgical masks and protective clothing.

A mask supply chain led by local fashion brand Ningbo Peacebird Fashion Co, has been launched, bringing together design, logistics, production and packaging enterprises in Ningbo, such as Guangyuan Textile and Lanhine Health Products.

"The manufacturing process for medical masks is not that complicated, but it takes great time and effort to choose the right fabrics and materials, and set the appropriate technical procedures and standards," said Fan Yanjie, a Peacebird production manager.

The company completed production of mask samples and sent them to testing and gauging agencies prior to launching mass production.

In addition, the local government and industry associations have helped local garment and textile enterprises in areas such as Fenghua district by encouraging local staff and citizens to return to their work stations and resume production to make more anti-epidemic products.