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Zhejiang agriculture expo goes digital

ezhejaing.gov.cn| Updated: November 26, 2019 L M S

The pest and disease identification application was developed by the provincial plant protection and quarantine station using big data and artificial intelligence technologies.

Users just have to take a photo of a pest with the app to see its information and how to exterminate it for good.

The app can now identify more than 1,000 pests and over 300 crops, according to the station.

The digital map of Wusi village in Deqing county, Huzhou was developed by an urban big data operation company in Deqing using geographic information technology.

It displays real-time information about the village online, specifically pertaining to planning, management, and environment.

The map has improved village governance by enabling local residents to complete administrative procedures for schooling, medical care, house construction, and other items online.

Since its launch in September, the system has helped deal with more than 180 pollution cases and neighborhood disputes, cutting the time needed from five working days to just three hours.

The system will be promoted in 40 villages in the county by year's end and will be expanded to the entire county sometime next year, before being promoted elsewhere in the province, said local authorities.

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