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Zhejiang elements dress Beijing horticultural expo

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: April 18, 2019 L M S

The Zhejiang garden, covering an area of 4,200 square meters, smaller only than the Beijing garden and Hebei garden, is located at the core of the expo park. There's a 17-meter image of the famous Chinese Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) painting Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains projected on the wall at the front gate of the Zhejiang garden. "Zhejiang garden makes a real 'Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains' in space and forms a typical Zhejiang style garden with hills, water and families," said Lu Shan, the garden's chief designer.


The typical Zhejiang style garden contains pavilions and cascades. [Photo by Dong Xuming]

The Zhejiang pavilion has an area of 120 square meters and will display Zhejiang's flower gardening products in potted plants, bonsai and art flower arrangements.

A "Zhejiang Day" event will take place from June 6 to 8, the time of Dragon Boat Festival. The event will include tourism promotion, cruises, performances and industrial displays.

A series of unique Zhejiang-style bonsai, flower arrangements, rare orchids and some horticulture varieties with independent intellectual property rights will be exhibited in the Zhejiang pavilion.

Zhejiang province selected a Changshan stalagmite stone from Zhejiang's Changshan county; it is the highest stone standing at Tongxing square of the expo park.

Zhejiang was the only province that assisted in the production of the ecological wall of the front hall of the Chinese pavilion. With Zhejiang's Anji county as background, the ecological wall is painted with bamboo, moss and succulents, showing the fruitful achievements of Chinese ecological construction. 

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