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Sea fish exports boom in Xiangshan county

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: February 25, 2019 L M S


Two customs officials from Xiangshan county, Ningbo, East China's Zhejiang province examine the sea fish to be exported on Feb 19. [Photo/zj.zjol.com]

Xiangshan, a coastal county in Ningbo, East China's Zhejiang province, saw a boom in its sea fish exports in 2018, local media reported.

According to statistics from Ningbo Customs, the county exported 2004.8 metric tons of live fish in 62 vessels in the year, up 2.9 percent and 3.3 percent respectively, with export revenue hitting nearly 95 million yuan ($14.17 million).

In particular, its weever exports made up half of the total weever imports of South Korea.

Statistics also show that fish exports helped lift nearly 2,000 local residents out of poverty. Each local fishing household now has an annual income of at least 60,000 yuan.

"The fish we cultivate in Xiangshan port feature a tender texture and good quality and are very popular overseas. Our weevers are regarded by South Koreans as 'ginseng of the sea'," said Lin Guocun, manager of a local export and import company. 

To facilitate the local sea fish exports, officials from Xiangshan Customs often go on a field trip to the local fish farming base to investigate the living environment and farming situation of sea fish. 

"Learning about fish farming helps us a lot in our daily supervision work. For example, if we know the breeding cycle of these fish, we will know the best time for their exports, and if we know the transportation requirements of the fish, we will know how to examine them," said an official from Xiangshan Customs.