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Zhejiang seeks exchanges and cooperation in Japan

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: September 4, 2018 L M S


Yuan Jiajun (left), governor of Zhejiang province meets with Heita Kawakatsu, his counterpart of Japan's Shizuoka prefecture on Aug 27. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]

Yuan Jiajun, governor of East China's Zhejiang province led a delegation of government officials to Japan from Aug 26 to 30, with the aim of learning from Japan's governance experience and seeking closer ties with them.

Yuan met with Heita Kawakatsu, governor of Japan's Shizuoka prefecture on Aug 27. They reviewed the history since Zhejiang and Shizuoka established friendship in 1982. Yuan said that he hopes with the efforts of both sides, the two regions could further expand and deepen their exchanges and cooperation in commerce, trade, manufacturing, tourism, old-age care and social management.

Accompanied by Jack Ma, chairman of Hangzhou-based Alibaba Group, Yuan went to the Tokyo headquarters of SoftBank on Aug 28 and met with the group's chairman Masayoshi Son. The two heads held discussions on future cooperation on artificial intelligence and financial technologies.

The Zhejiang delegation visited Tochigi prefecture on Aug 29 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the friendship between the two regions. Tomikazu Fukuda, governor of the Japanese prefecture, praised the rapid economic development of Zhejiang province and extended his hope on closers ties with Zhejiang, looking forward to more win-win achievements.

Yuan attended two business forums in Japan where he introduced the development of Zhejiang to Japanese officials and entrepreneurs. Yuan said Zhejiang is working hard to create a better business environment and is expecting to receive investments and projects from Japan. During the Zhejiang-Japan business forum, agreements worth 1.53 billion yuan ($224.34 million) on 11 cooperation projects were inked.

During their stay in Japan, the Zhejiang delegation also visited the old-age care institutes, melon plantation bases and some renowned Japanese companies.


Yuan (center), accompanied by Jack Ma, visits the headquarters of SoftBank in Tokyo on Aug 28. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]


Yuan (center) attends the celebration activity for the 25th anniversary of the friendship between Zhejiang and Tochigi prefecture on Aug 29. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]