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Three-year action plan for Yangtze River Delta's integrated development released

China Daily| Updated: July 20, 2018 L M S

The Yangtze River Delta Regional Cooperation Office has issued a three-year action plan (2018-20) for the Yangtze River Delta's integrative development.

The three-year action plan aims to integrate the economies of Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, and Shanghai, through coordination and collaborative development.

The action plan sets a timetable and road map for the Yangtze River Delta's integrated development in the coming years and covers cooperation in 12 economic sectors including transportation energy, scientific innovation, industry, informatization, environmental protection and public services. It also focuses on seven key aspects for integrated development in the delta including transportation connectivity, industrial innovation, and collaborative and orderly opening-up of the market.

According to the action plan, the region is expected to basically form a world-class green, beautiful and sharing city cluster with economic vitality and improved innovation capacity by 2020. By that time the delta should be a portal in the Asia-Pacific region with international influence and competitiveness.