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Zhejiang sends rescue team to Phuket, helps tragedy victims

China Daily & ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: July 9, 2018 L M S


A young survivor of the boat tragedy in Thailand is carried into Haining People's Hospital in Haining, Zhejiang province, for a follow-up medical check on July 8. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The recent boat sinking tragedy in Phuket, Thailand has touched the hearts of people across China.

The data show that among the 127 Chinese tourists on board, 37 are employees from a local company in Haining city, East China's Zhejiang province.

The Zhejiang government has exerted all-out efforts to search for the missing tourists and offer assistance to survivors and relatives of the victims.

A group of officials from the Haining government departed for Phuket on July 6, one day after the tragedy, to ask for first-hand information and to seek help from overseas Chinese organizations in Thailand. The group is checking the name list of missing tourists with the employer Haining Hai Pai International Furniture Co Ltd, and working to console and help relatives of the tour group.

On July 7, a larger group consisting of officials from Zhejiang's relevant departments arrived in Phuket to better support the coordination, rescue and appeasing work.

Rescue experts from the Zhejiang Rescue Team of Ramunion, a local civil rescue organization, were approved by Thailand's military to start searching for missing tourists on the morning of July 8. Experts from the Second Institute of Oceanography, China's State Oceanic Administration, also went with the rescue team to provide professional guidance.

Six people from Haining who joined the tour group, including four who suffered minor injuries and two who chose not to board the boat, arrived home on Sunday.

Two boats with a total of 127 Chinese tourists on board capsized in a storm off Thailand's southern resort island of Phuket in the late afternoon of July 5. As of July 9, 41 Chinese people were confirmed dead and six remained missing, according to the regular press conference of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs held on Monday afternoon.


A rescue diver of China's Zhejiang Rescue Team of Ramunion checks equipment before a search operation for missing passengers of a capsized tourist boat at a pier in Phuket, Thailand, July 8, 2018. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]