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Jinyun, Austria to boost cooperation in green hydropower

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: July 3, 2018 L M S

A group of hydroelectricity experts from Austria, Italy and Sweden recently paid a visit to Jinyun county, Zhejiang province, to inspect a local power station and develop partnerships between China and Austria in green hydropower projects.

During the tour, the experts visited Jinyun reservoir and the power station located in the Panxi water area, and held in-depth discussions with local officials on key issues regarding the expansion of the power station as well as the implementation of green hydropower projects.

Jinyun Panxi power station, located in the middle and upper parts of the Panxi River, has a total investment of 10.6 million yuan ($1.59 million).

Authorities hope the station can become a demonstration base for hydropower in China.


The Austrian group of hydroelectricity experts visits power stations in Jinyun county, Zhejiang province. [Photo/lsnews.com.cn]