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Wenzhou to recruit overseas talents

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: June 25, 2018 L M S

Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, released 40 statements of policy regarding talent recruitment at the end of May. The release gained a lot of attention from high-caliber professionals and students from a variety of foreign countries over the past month.

A delegation consisting of staff members from government departments, research institutes and leading tech companies left on a tour to Europe in recent days.

From the United Kingdom to Italy and Germany, more than 200 European talents spoke with the delegation, which also facilitated the signing of 56 agreements on cooperation intentions.

The delegation also signed a memorandum of understanding with Istituto Europeo di Design during the visit to promote further cooperation in design and talent cultivation. A liaison office was also established in Cambridge, UK, and the delegation held close talks with the government of Turin, Italy, exchanging strategies for talent development with Italian officials.

An official from Wenzhou's administration of foreign experts affairs said this European talent recruitment agenda provided a platform by virtue of which to introduce the continent and the world to Wenzhou's industrial development and strong growth environment.

Wenzhou plans to work toward building an online platform where companies and talents are able to communicate directly.