Announcement of Shanghai Customs on Developing Futures bonded Delivery Business in China (shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
With a view to pushing forward the construction of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the Pilot Zone).
Announcement of Shanghai Customs on Developing Financing Lease Business in China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
With a view to pushing forward the construction of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the Pilot Zone)
Shanghai issues first unified work permit for foreigners
Shanghai issued its first single unified work permit to a foreigner on Thursday, as the city kicked off a pilot program to ease the burden of highly skilled expats getting work in Shanghai.
10 New Exit-entry Policies for Overseas Talents in Shanghai
The policies came into effect since Dec 9, 2016.
Shanghai launches 20 policies to attract world-class talent
Shanghai has issued a series of policies aimed at promoting science and technology innovation, and attracting overseas and domestic talents.
New exit-entry policies for overseas talents in Shanghai
The Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Shanghai’s Public Security Bureau issued new entry-exit regulations, covering foreigner’s visas, stay and permanent residency, on July 1.