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Jining showcases traditional culture in Japan| Updated: November 24, 2021


Jining cultural products are on display at a Chinese culture exhibition held in Ishikawa prefecture, Japan. [Photo/WeChat account: jnwhlyj]

An exhibition featuring Chinese folk arts and tourism resources was recently held by the Japan-China Friendship Association of Ishikawa Prefecture in Kanazawa, capital of Ishikawa prefecture, Japan.

As a friendship city of Komatsu, which is under the jurisdiction of Ishikawa, Jining took part in the event with a variety of exhibits, including Japanese pamphlets on the city's culture and tourism, as well as Chinese calligraphy works and paper-cuttings.

Located in the southwestern part of Ishikawa, Komatsu spans 371.05 square kilometers and has a population of about 110,000. The city boasts convenient transportation with Komatsu Airport, the largest airport along the coastal area of the Sea of Japan, and Komatsu Station on Japan's high-speed rail known as Shinkansen.

Global big-name machinery producer Komatsu is also headquartered in the city.

Jining and Komatsu established a friendly relationship in September 2008 and have since maintained close ties with each other.

In recent years, Jining has been bolstering efforts to enhance its international reputation as a tourist destination downed with a profound history, a welcoming environment, and convenient transportation.

The exhibition is expected to deepen Japanese people's understanding on Jining and facilitate China-Japan cultural exchange during the COVID-19 pandemic.