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​New energy industry booming in Jining| Updated: May 14, 2021

Jining in East China's Shandong province has experienced steady development in its new energy industry and plans to make continued efforts to further develop the industry.

By the end of 2020, Jining's new energy power stations had an installed capacity of 2.18 million kilowatts, which accounted for 17.42 percent of its total and increased by 3.06 percentage points compared to 2019.

By the same time, the city had 91 companies involved in the new energy industry, which formed a cluster and generated around 6.6 billion yuan ($1.02 billion) in revenue. A number of local companies have built their own brand in sectors like highly effective solar batteries, solar thermal collectors, and smart microgrids.

The companies have invested over 200 million yuan, which is around 3 percent of their revenue, in research and development by the end of last year, making great achievements. A total of 22 sci-tech innovation platforms have been established and 256 intellectual properties have been created.

In the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period, Jining will continue to make efforts to bolster its new energy industry and to manufacture new energy equipment, especially in the photovoltaic and biomass industries.

The city plans to build a development zone for the new energy storage equipment, thermal collectors, new energy vehicles, and hydrogen energy industries. It aims to expand the installed capacity of renewable energy power stations to 4.5 million kilowatts, as well as to have 100 key enterprises with 30 billion yuan in revenue by 2025.