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Cultivation of key talents in short supply| Updated: December 24, 2020

1.   Entrepreneur talents

Jining in East China's Shandong province trains no less than 1,000 business executives each year and adds a talent program in business management in the innovation and entrepreneurship leader talent gathering plan.

Around 100 outstanding TECH entrepreneurs will be selected to study and do exchanges with universities, institutes and financial institutions. About 100 new-generation entrepreneurs with growth potential will be organized to train or study in well-known universities and enterprises.

2.   Key talents in different industries

Jining will improve the selection methods of talents in the fields of education, health, finance and social work, and implement face-to-face examinations to select well-known teachers, doctors, and financial and social work talents.

The city will continue to implement a series of projects to promote cultural talent.

In the field of e-commerce livestreaming, social e-commerce and other new industries, high-potential talents are selected each year and rewarded for outstanding achievements.

3.   High-end talent

Enterprises that train workers to acquire technician qualifications and senior technician qualifications will receive government subsidies.

The government encourages enterprises to cooperate with colleges to implement order-orientated cultivation of talents and provides subsidies to such enterprises and colleges.

A maximum of 1 million yuan ($152,700) will be awarded to the winners of WorldSkills, Grand Skill Award of China, and National Technical Expert.

Jining supports enterprises and institutions in organizing national and provincial-level vocational skills competitions and provides corresponding subsidies.

4.   Rural revitalization talents

Jining has implemented a new type of professional farmer cultivation project, training more than 10,000 practical talents and high-quality farmers every year, selecting and training rural stars and agricultural technology models.

Rewards will be given to breeders who have cultivated new approved (recognized) varieties at or above the provincial level, and agricultural machinery developers who have filled gaps in domestic technological innovation.

The government has launched some campaigns to recruit rural revitalization partners and has increased the amount of guaranteed loans for talents returning to their hometowns to 300,000 yuan.