
Nantong development area raises nearly $7m in donations in 2023

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: January 17, 2024 L M S


Charitable Persons of the Year in NETDA are awarded at a conference. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

The Nantong Economic and Technological Development Area (NETDA) in Jiangsu province recently honored local businesses and individuals for their active participation in charitable activities during 2023.

Luolai Group and four other establishments received the Distinguished Contribution Awards, while Xue Jian and 12 other individuals were granted the title of Charitable Persons of the Year.

Statistics show that, last year, the NETDA Charity Federation raised donations valued at nearly 48 million yuan ($6.7 million) and allocated 42.9 million yuan for disaster and social relief, both setting a record.

These outstanding results helped the charity federation win recognition from both municipal and provincial authorities.

This year, the federation aims to motivate more than five local businesses to set up charitable funds bearing the company's name.


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