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Why not hail a bus in Nantong

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2024-08-23


Scan the QR codes to follow the official WeChat account of Nantong Public Transport (L) and place an order (R). [Photo/ntjoy]

Nantong Public Transport will offer a bus service called dynamic bus – in other words, the bus version of online ride hailing – within Nantong Science and Technology New City on Aug 26.

Operating in a "dynamic bus" mode, this innovative transportation service does not adhere to fixed routes or stations. Instead, passengers can simply request a ride through the software at any station within the service area.

Upon receiving a ride request, the platform utilizes various factors, such as the passenger's pick-up and drop-off locations, the real-time location of the vehicle, and current traffic conditions, to optimize the route. This dynamic approach ensures that passengers are offered the most efficient and convenient ride option, minimizing travel distance and time.

The dynamic buses serve an area of 13.91 square kilometers, including two hospitals, four commercial complexes, five schools, six tourist attractions, 25 communities, and several other passenger distribution spots.

Wondering how to hail a bus?

Passengers can follow the official WeChat account of Nantong Public Transport and click the Dynamic Bus option on its Bus Service column to place an order.

Operating hours: 7 am to 9:30 pm

Ticket price: 3 yuan ($0.42) per person
