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Senior Nantong writer donates thousands of books

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2024-05-14


Zu Dingyuan receives a certificate from Nantong Library. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

Zu Dingyuan, a 91-year-old writer in Nantong, Jiangsu province, recently donated thousands of books from his collection to Nantong Library.

After preliminary sorting, Zu is estimated to have donated over 3,000 books, including literature about Nantong which he has been collecting since the 1950s as well as journalism books.

Born in 1933, Zu started working as a journalist in 1950 and eventually became the secretary of the chief editor's office at Xinhua Daily.


Zu's collections on folk customs and dialect in Qidong, Nantong. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

"Whether journalist or secretary, both jobs require strong writing skills," said Zu. "Only by continuous reading can one create high-quality articles." In the eyes of Zu's wife, he was obsessed with reading. "His salary mainly went toward buying books," she recalled.

Ji Fengji, curator of Nantong Library, said that the library will arrange a room to showcase the valuable donations from Zu and an exhibition for his publications and manuscripts.


Staff members of Nantong Library rearrange the donations from Zu. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

An increasing number of Nantong-born writers, scholars, and local research institutes are donating their works and literature to the library, according to Ji.

He also called for more donations including paintings, calligraphy works, manuscripts, letters, photos, and family trees from locals to contribute to the city's cultural undertakings.