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Taixing city foundry manufacturer shines at SME exhibition

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: July 31, 2023

The considerable development achievements of a foundry manufacturer in Taixing city – administered by Taizhou in East China's Jiangsu province – were recently featured in an exhibition of small and medium-sized enterprises, or SMEs.

The event took place in Hangzhou city, the capital of East China's Zhejiang province. The event, held on July 26-28, aimed to showcase development achievements of specialized and sophisticated SMEs.

Taixing city's Jiangsu Xihua Foundry Co Ltd appeared in the solar power and wind energy exhibition section, making it the only one from Taizhou city to attend the event.

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Jiangsu Xihua Foundry Co Ltd features in an exhibition in Hangzhou city. [Photo/WeChat account: txfabu]

Founded in 2006, the company specializes in the research, development, casting and sales of specialized components for large-scale and high-end equipment. Its products are mainly used for wind power gearboxes.

The company's key indicators – such as the mechanical performance of its products – are said to be at a far higher level than international standards, helping to forge it a big market share in the specialist field. Last year, it generated revenue of 850 million yuan ($118.39 million) and paid 38 million yuan in tax.

Through industry-university-research cooperation, the company has developed and transformed 63 high-tech projects in recent three years, with 44 of them expanded to a much larger scale.

At present, Taixing city has formed a production cluster for key wind power components and established a wind power equipment manufacturing support center. Enterprises involved in the wind power industry supply chain are gaining a higher market share, thanks to strong technological support and more comprehensive industrial support.

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