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Zhanjiang Airport helps commuters get home during Spring Festival

Updated: 2018-03-15

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A total of 2,563 flights travel through Zhanjiang Airport during the Spring Festival travel rush. [Photo/gdzjdaily.com.cn]

Zhanjiang Airport witnessed 273,000 travelers board or deplane 2,563 flights during the Spring Festival travel rush period from Feb 1 to March 12, up 14.8 and 12.6 percent year-on-year respectively.

Passenger flow peaked on Feb 22, as tourists and those visiting friends or families embarked on return trips during the waning days of the Spring Festival holidays. More than 9,736 people have been recorded on 84 flights that flew that day, breaking the airport's daily passenger throughput record.

According to an airport executive, Zhanjiang operates 29 domestic and international air routes to 30 cities worldwide. Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia and Bangkok, capital of Bangkok, were the most favored destinations for locals eyeing an exotic getaway during the Spring Festival holiday.

To create a better experience for passengers, the airport added maternal change rooms, children's recreation areas and comprehensive service counters to help the elderly, children and disabled. A total of 220 volunteers were on standby during the period to help with the increased passenger flow.


A passenger consults information from an airport volunteer. [Photo/gdzjdaily.com.cn]

