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  • SXU dance staged at Lotus Award Performances

    Updated: 2019-09-06

    A Taohua Yijiu performance was put on by the School of Music of Shanxi University (SXU) at the 12th Lotus Award Performances, which were held in Liangshan Yi autonomous region, Southwest China’s Sichuan province, from Aug 8 to 10.

  • SXU officials pay a visit to Dongshan new campus

    Updated: 2019-09-04

    Shanxi University (SXU) officials pay a visit to the university’s Dongshan campus to inspect its construction progress on Aug 31.

  • Peking University delegation visits SXU

    Updated: 2019-09-04

    A delegation of teachers from Peking University paid a visit to Shanxi University on Aug 26.

  • Joint EPRI laboratory established at SXU

    Updated: 2019-09-04

    The International Forum on Image Reconstruction was held at Shanxi University (SXU) in Taiyuan, North China’s Shanxi province, on Aug 28.

  • SXU exhibition pays tribute to anti-war heroes

    Updated: 2019-09-04

    An exhibition paying tribute to people from the Taihang Mountain region who sacrificed their lives during China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1937-45) kicked off on Sept 3 in an art gallery of Shanxi University.

  • Gao Ensi wins medal at national special Olympics

    Updated: 2019-09-03

    Gao Ensi made a good showing at the 10th National Games for Persons with Disabilities & the 7th National Special Olympic Games of the People's Republic of China.

  • Freshmen arrive at Shanxi University

    Updated: 2019-09-03

    Freshmen arrive at Shanxi University in Taiyuan, North China’s Shanxi province on Sept 1. More than 5,700 freshmen showed up for their first day on campus.