Jinwan acts to make bio-med industries self-sufficient
Guidelines and millions in funding have been put forth by Jinwan District to consolidate its burgeoning bio-pharmaceutical industry into a fully localized powerhouse.
MoreZhuhai gov't allots funds for company headquarters
The headquarters economy of Zhuhai is to be encouraged by an array of incentives to businesses that complement the city's growth strategy and generate designated revenue and taxes.
MoreReal economy incentives maintained, strengthened
The city of Zhuhai is to maintain real economy growth and attract new investment by providing beneficiaries of previous trials with greater financial incentives.
MoreGuildlines for Consular Authentication
The purpose of consular authentication is to ensure that notaial deeds issued in one country can be acknowledged in another country, and have due legal effects without doubts.
MoreZhuhai Talent Program -- unsurpassed in the Pearl River Delta
Over the course of five years, more than 2.5 billion yuan ($397 million) annually will be invested to bring talented people to work and live in Zhuhai.