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Zhuhai's urban publicity efforts win national recognition

Updated: 2023-05-19

Zhuhai ranked 12th among 293 domestic prefecture-level cities in the urban publicity index, which was recently released by China City News of People's Daily and the Chinese City Brand Institute.

These cities were evaluated on the basis of their urban publicity efforts from March 1, 2022 to Feb 28, 2023. This list is considered as one of the most professional research evaluations for urban publicity in China, and is an important reference to measure the effect of urban publicity.


Beautiful Zhuhai [Photo by Li Jianshu, Zhu Xi and Zhong Fan / WeChat account: zhuhaifabu]

During this evaluation period, Zhuhai undertook a series of activities to attract great attention on the global stage.

The 14th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China), held in Zhuhai from Nov 8 to 13, 2022, attracted around 215,000 on-site visitors and more than 1.05 billion online views. Moreover, articles regarding the exhibition received over 11 billion views in total.

The Melodies over Seas and Mountains online concert, which was held in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties between China and the Netherlands, took place on May 23, 2022. More than 600 mainstream media outlets from abroad such as the Associated Press and Fox News covered the event, reaching an overseas audience of over 220 million.

The city's development in industry, urban construction, and transportation has also been widely recognized.

In December, Zhuhai received the title of "Pioneering City in Business Attraction" in the 2022 Analysis Report on Chinese Cities' Overseas Influence by Cankaoxiaoxi and Xinhua's News Information Center. It also gained the title of the "Most Favored Destination for Conventions and Award Ceremonies in China" during the 14th China Meetings Industrial Conference in February.

Zhuhai was also named among the 30 National Healthy City Construction Demonstration Cities in 2021, being the only one in Guangdong Province to do so. 

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