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Foreign envoys get closer look at Airshow China


Updated: 2022-11-11

A delegation of foreign envoys of 21 countries, including Germany, Poland, and Indonesia, visited the 14th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, which is also known as Airshow China, on Nov 8.


A delegation of foreign envoys visits Airshow China [Photo courtesy Guanhai App]

Ben Perkasa Drajat, the consul general of Indonesia in Guangzhou, noted that the flight performance was very impressive and unforgettable. 

He spoke highly of the Airshow China as one of the most influential aviation and aerospace exhibitions on the globe, which has contributed greatly to the development of the world's aviation and aerospace technology. 

Karol Peczak, the consul general of Poland in Guangzhou, said that it was his first time to visit the Airshow China and that he felt happy to see plenty of advanced and new products and technologies.

He added that Poland has many aerospace enterprises and there are ample opportunities for them to cooperate with China in commercial and technological fields. 

Tong Man, head of the Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office, which was the tour's organizer, noted that the tour aimed to deepen cooperation with foreign consulates general in Guangzhou to further promote China's aerospace and national defense industries, as well as Zhuhai's image as a "city of youth & vigor."

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