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Zhuhai residents laud newly renovated beach during holiday


Updated: 2022-10-09

Sea & Sky (Haitian) Park Beach opened after undergoing renovation on Oct 1, adding one more beach for Zhuhai residents to enjoy in time for the National Day holiday, which fell from Oct 1 to 7. 

The 59,000-sqm (14.6-acre) beach consists of three sections, covering a total urban coastal line of 1,067 m (1,167 yds).

Located at the estuary of the Fenghuang (Phoenix) River, the beach is close to Fenghuang Bay Beach in the north and connects to the former Xiangzhou Fishing Port in the south, serving as an important part of Lovers Avenue's "one belt + nine bays" pattern. 


A row of coconut palm trees cast shadows on Sea & Sky (Haitian) Park Beach [Photo by Zhao Zi / Zhuhai Media Group]

It has formed a land-water integrated coastal sightseeing belt together with the nearby landmarks of Sea & Sky (Haitian) Park, Xiangshan Cloud Walkway, Zhuhai Museum, and the commercial complex Zhengfang iYoho.

Renovation of the beach started in April 2021, with the aim of building a beach for tourism and leisure, enriching tourism resources alongside Lovers Avenue, and protecting the local ecological environment. 

The beach's public service facilities have been optimized as the original pedestrian trail behind the beach was rebuilt with more trees and benches, while the connecting surface of the pedestrian trail and the beach was built into a slope to ensure visitors' safety.

Sand used for the beach was selected from Wailingding Island, which is soft and fine, helping to increase the beach's erosion resistibility.

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